Liječila trudnicu da spriječi lezbijstvo njezine kćeri

Domaće i strane aktualnosti, vijesti, komentari događanja, novinskih članaka, TV emisija, tekstova s CroL naslovnice i općenito svega čime nas mediji svakodnevno bombardiraju.

Just tax the stupid people.
Postovi: 8744
Pridružen/a: 01 stu 2005 16:44
Spol/rod: žensko
Status: U životnom partnerstvu
Lokacija: Oblačić.

Liječila trudnicu da spriječi lezbijstvo njezine kćeri

Post Postao/la tamara3 » 02 srp 2010 15:38 ... Itemid=184

Liječnica Maria New pokušava dokazati kako je moguće 'spriječiti' lezbijstvo ukoliko se trudnice na vrijeme počnu liječiti deksametazonom, a osim toga pokušava 'liječiti' fetuse kako se ne bi razvili u žene koje 'pokazuju nenormalno malen interes za majčinstvo, ne žele se igrati igračkama za djevojčice' te čije bi se poslovne ambicije mogle okarakterizirati 'muškima'.

bomba bomba bomba bomba

Postovi: 6235
Pridružen/a: 01 stu 2005 01:14
Spol/rod: žensko
Status: U životnom partnerstvu
Lokacija: Zgb

Re: Liječila trudnicu da spriječi lezbijstvo njezine kćeri

Post Postao/la Zita » 02 srp 2010 16:20

super mi je tako izvalit neku glupost i pravit se pametna te cekati 20 godina da se vide "rezultati"
stetu necemo nit gledati..

i sto rec za te roditelje koji pristaju na lijecenje protiv "moguce homoseksualnosti" i radjaju defektnu djecu..
jebeni moroni
Measure of a woman is her sense of humor

komad kruha
Postovi: 1372
Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2009 20:54
Spol/rod: žensko
Ja sam: lezbijka
Status: Solo

Re: Liječila trudnicu da spriječi lezbijstvo njezine kćeri

Post Postao/la komad kruha » 02 srp 2010 18:20

meni je malo žao što fetus moje mame nisu izliječili od minusa na tekućem.

ot. zašto ta osoba nije u zatvoru kada ju već nitko institucionalizirati u primjerenu ustanovu ?????


što li je njoj pošlo po zlu u toj njenoj sjebanoj glavi :( :( :(
kaj te hiče?

Postovi: 2541
Pridružen/a: 05 sij 2010 20:40
Status: U vezi
Lokacija: gradski asfalt

Re: Liječila trudnicu da spriječi lezbijstvo njezine kćeri

Post Postao/la pihach » 03 srp 2010 11:27

tuzba pa javna giljotina!

Postovi: 168
Pridružen/a: 20 svi 2010 14:32
Spol/rod: žensko
Ja sam: lezbijka
Status: Solo

Re: Liječila trudnicu da spriječi lezbijstvo njezine kćeri

Post Postao/la blueeyes » 03 srp 2010 11:55


Postovi: 16674
Pridružen/a: 02 stu 2005 11:37
Spol/rod: ne želim definirati
Ja sam: ne želim se identificirati
Lokacija: Njemačka

Re: Liječila trudnicu da spriječi lezbijstvo njezine kćeri

Post Postao/la Kroacija » 03 srp 2010 14:03

ja bih najiskrenije da nadju lijek protiv biseksualnosti. :D

Broken Down Angel
Postovi: 911
Pridružen/a: 24 pro 2006 11:28

Re: Liječila trudnicu da spriječi lezbijstvo njezine kćeri

Post Postao/la Broken Down Angel » 03 srp 2010 14:18

Primum non nocere. -> "Dexamethasone has been assigned to pregnancy category C by the FDA. Animal studies have revealed evidence of teratogenicity when corticosteroids are administered orally or potent steroids are applied topically. There are no controlled data in human pregnancy. Dexamethasone is only recommended for use during pregnancy when there are no alternatives and benefit outweighs risk." [ Dexamethasone Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Warnings]

* Pregnancy Category C: "Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks." [Wikipedia] -> kod životinja: "Glucocorticoid hormones can cause abortion in pregnant patients. This class of hormone should not be used in pregnancy." [Mar Vista Animal Doctor Centar: Dexamethasone]

Najžalosnije je što ona namjerava eksperimentirati na ljudima dok se ne dokaže ili opovrgne isto: "In the Q&A period, during a discussion of prenatal dex treatments, an audience member asked New, ´Isn’t there a benefit to the female babies in terms of reducing the androgen effects on the brain?´ New answered, ´You know, when the babies who have been treated with dex prenatally get to an age in which they are sexually active, I’ll be able to answer that question.´ At that point, she’ll know if they are interested in taking men and making babies." [The Stranger: Doctor Treating Pregnant Women With Experimental Drug To Prevent Lesbianism]

Uostalom - > "Langford [pacijentica] says also that neither New nor her prescribing physician mentioned that prenatal dexamethasone treatment is an off-label use of the drug (an application for which it was not specifically approved by the government) or that the medical community is sharply divided over whether dexamethasone should be used during pregnancy at all." / "Is It Safe — or Even Necessary? To date, there has been just one controlled, prospective, long-term trial of prenatal dexamethasone for the prevention of ambiguous genitalia, conducted in Sweden. The results, published in 2007 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism — more than two decades after doctors began using the medication in pregnant patients — found some mild behavioral and cognitive deficits in children whose mothers had been treated. But the study, with just 26 participants, was too small to be definitive. ´We just don't know what we are doing to these kids,´ says Dr. Walter Miller, the chief of endocrinology at University of California, San Francisco. ´It's not sufficient to say, The baby was born and had all fingers and toes, so it's fine.´" [ Prenatal Treatment Raises Questions of Medical Ethics]
